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Let’s be real about the healthy food movement. Why does healthy food get a bad rap? We jumped with both feet on the healthy eating bandwagon playing those sad songs with titles such as “Goodbye flavor,” So long favorite go-to comfort meal,” “Hello tasteless dinner” or “Hello strange new something you have never heard of before.”

The first thing we started incorporating to change our lifestyle was green smoothies. Our attempt to get more of the essential green stuff but not always the easiest to choke down.
Day one of our new lifestyle was a disgusting swamp like texture that event a street rat wouldn’t look at twice. We were determined, and so we added some water and some sweetness, and you guessed it we gagged it down. We were committed, and we did it to the detriment to all that is healthy goodness.
We looked at each other and thought we need to make this better or give up the ghost. Solidifying that healthy food can be satisfying, we searched for some green smoothie recipes and some inspiration from our garden.

Today we can proudly say that we eat healthily and mostly clean while enjoying the full flavor of incredible nutritious meals made from homegrown ingredients. I started the day with fresh clippings from my garden to make our first green smoothie of the season.

Tools: blender, knife, and measuring cups
3 cups of ice
1 large handful of mixed greens (lettuce, basil, mint, sugar pea leaves)
1 half ripe Mango (peeled)
1 ripe/frozen banana (two for a creamy texture)
3 dates without the seed

optional: for a post-workout smoothie, add one scoop of protein powder.
~Kid-friendly add a small kid handful of mini chocolate chips at the end with minimal blending.

What is your favorite smoothie recipe? please share your smoothie mishaps!