Do You Need A Slow Cooker? Yes you do!

Do You Need A Slow Cooker? Yes you do!

Have you ever wished you could come home after a long day to a hot meal that is ready to serve? Don’t you love it when your house smells good when you walk through the door hungry? If so, you know it’s difficult because life is demanding and time is always...

Can a Food Steamer change your life? Yes!

Think back to the days of middle school lunches. Juice boxes, industrial pizza, ketchup on everything, laughter, social awkwardness.  Do you know what you don’t remember? Boiled vegetables. Why? Because they are disgusting. No one likes them. They are the last...
Four Reasons You Need A Rice Cooker

Four Reasons You Need A Rice Cooker

My husband thinks that if he puts his dirty laundry in the hamper, it magically comes out clean and folded. He swears it’s magic.  He is also convinced he saw Bigfoot one time. I want MY magic machine that does all the work for me and results in a perfect...

Three Best Pressure Cooker Options

Television these days is all about focusing on high-pressure kitchens.  They create all sorts of unnecessary drama that makes the center of every restaurant, and most homes, into a scary place where everyone is sweaty, yelling, and wearing a headband.  Let’s...
How To Choose The Best Emulsifier

How To Choose The Best Emulsifier

Have you ever tried to follow a recipe that requires you to pour hot cooked vegetables into a blender? If so, you’ll know that it’s difficult because it often ends in a mess and third-degree burns.  Want to know a little secret that will prevent a visit to...
Start Your Day With A Green Smoothie

Start Your Day With A Green Smoothie

Let’s be real about the healthy food movement. Why does healthy food get a bad rap? We jumped with both feet on the healthy eating bandwagon playing those sad songs with titles such as “Goodbye flavor,” So long favorite go-to comfort meal,”...