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Multigrain bread is a timeless centerpiece in our kitchen. This recipe was inspired by a retro Better Homes and Gardens book, circa 1970. It is moist on the inside coated with a crunchy exterior and the grains do not disappoint.

If you are looking for a hardy bread for multiple uses, this is the perfect recipe. This bread is best used to complement a pad of butter, french toast in the morning, sandwiches for lunch, or to dip in soups, and it is a go-to loaf.

First, you have to make the multi-grain mixture, but you can order it online if you don’t have whole grains loitering in your cabinets. My multigrain mix contains equal parts of barley, amaranth, quinoa, chia seeds, sesame seeds, faro, sunflower seeds, and good old fashioned oats. For seasonal mixtures, add pumpkin seeds. If you are feeling fruity, add dried apples, pineapple, or berries.

Multigrain bread:

Tools: saucepan, mixer, two 8 x 4 x 2-inch loaf bread pans, mixing bowl

Prep time: 30 min/Cook time 30 min/Total time: 3 to 4 hours


1/2 Cup multi-grain mixture (plus optional 1 tablespoon for topping, set aside)

1 Cup Water

6 Tablespoons butter

1/4 Cup honey

2 teaspoon salt

2 packages or 1 tablespoon yeast

2 eggs

1 egg yolk (for optional topping)

5 cups unbleached flour

In a small saucepan combine your multi-grain mixture, add one cup of water, and cook for 10 to 15 minutes or until you reach a cereal consistency. Stir in six tablespoons of butter, 1/4 cup honey, and two teaspoons salt until creamy. Cool until lukewarm.  If you skip the cooling you will kill the yeast. RE-yeasting is messy and will cost you over an hour of your time.

While the cereal is cooling, in a large mixing bowl, combine two cups of flour and one tablespoon (two packages) of yeast. Add the warm cereal mixture and two eggs. Beat at low speed, scraping the sides of the bowl until mixture is combined, then beat for about 3 minutes at high speed.

Dust the countertop with flour and knead, add up to two and a half cups of unbleached flour until the dough is smooth and elastic about 5 to 8 minutes. Place in a lightly greased bowl, coating the loaf on both sides. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, usually about an hour.

Then turn out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Divide and shape into two loaves and place in greased 8 by 4 by 2-inch loaf pans or on a pizza stone. Cover, let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 50 to 60 minutes.

Tip: If you have stone countertops, it may be too cold in the winter months, use your oven for proofing. Turn the oven to the 200 degrees and turn it off. Place the dough inside and let the rise.  If you live in a dry climate, boil some water in an oven-safe pan and place it in the oven with the dough.  Another option is a seed warmer or a microwavable rice/corn bags to ensure warmth and decrease the rising time.

To give your bread to the more finished look, combine one egg yolk with one tablespoon of water brush the top of the loaves and sprinkle with your Multi-Grain mixture.

Bake at 375 for 30 minutes or until golden brown.


Here is your downloadable Multigrain Cereal Bread recipe card.

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