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If you are looking for depth of flavor, store bought pre-ground spices just can’t compete with freshly ground whole spices. Have you ever tried to grind them at home? If so, you’ll know that it’s difficult without the correct tool, and in this case, it is a spice grinder.  There are numerous spice grinders on the market, but a few must-haves will narrow your selection. This is not an article about a mortar and pestle, we have one of those, and it mostly collects dust. They have their uses, but this is a particular post is about speed, and RPM’s.

I have had fun (and some failure) when processing homegrown herbs in my kitchen, and I know that you will too. There are a few things you should know before you purchase a spice grinder to ensure the best outcome for your next meal. I don’t usually recommend purchasing a product that only has one use, but a spice grinder is an exception. I am sure someone has tried to use a coffee grinder, but grinding both spices and coffee in one machine isn’t a good idea (unless you like basil and pepper enhanced java).

Tips for selecting the perfect Spice Grinder:

• Make sure your new appliance allows you to adjust coarseness. If it doesn’t, you’ll have trouble with the consistency and uniform texture of the spice. Ever bite into a chunk of ginger unexpectedly? It does not make for a good dinner party review.
• Ensure your spice grinder has a pulse option with a quick stop and start, so you do not over process or heat your newly prepared flavors. Pulsing will prevent overheating that frequently ruins herbs. Warning: Be prepared to cry if this happens to you.
• Any good spice grinder must include a bowl with a sturdy lid and heavy duty transparent housing so you can see the contents. The first time we ground (magma hot) Thai chili peppers we did not keep the lid tight, and we tear gassed our entire apartment.
• The most important option for your grinder a safety feature. My preferred safety feature is the lid activated safety switch which stops grinding when the top is off.
• One last thing that I prefer but is not essential is stainless steel and components that are durable but also BPA-free.

Some great bonus features of an innovative spice grinder are quietness, built-in power cord storage, and non-slip rubber feet.

Now that you know the features to look for in your home ground spice adventures you’re ready to grind and chop without worrying about losing a finger, over processing, or evacuating the family.
